ITM - Institut für Textilmaschinen und textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, TU Dresden

The ITM is one of the world's leading university research facilities and is part of the most efficient institutes of the Excellence University of Dresden.

The interdisciplinary research activities of the ITM focus on the following parts of the whole process chain for textile high-tech applications:

  • machine-,
  • technology- and
  • product development as well as
  • material modelling

That goes in hand with the implementation of continuously automated, digitally networked and simulation-supported process chains with highest resource efficiency and sustainability. 

The institute does extensive research and development in the field of fibre and textile-based high-tech materials and production technologies necessary for such high-tech applications.  These are for example:

  • lightweight structures with integrated functions, suitable for respective stresses and strains
  • textile semi-finished products in the bio- and medical sector
  • adaptive sensor-actuator-networks
  • integrated microsystems technology
  • reinforcement structures for the construction industry.

CAE-cut constructions, assembly techniques for technical textiles, new developments in functional textiles as well as measuring and simulation techniques  Mess- und Simulationstechniken round off the versatile research spectrum at ITM. The institute has a modern infrastructure that enables the fast development of completely new technologies and innovative products. 


Location Hohe Straße 6 with the institute's head office and the two professorships textile technology for textile products, © ITM/TU Dresden